Friday, September 28, 2012

Soccer Moms

In my last post, I shared a montage video containing 10 of the most sexist commercials of the 1950's and 60's. In the video, women were portrayed to be very beautiful mothers who were always cleaning, taking care of the children, cooking, etc. On the other hand, men were seen to be more inferior as they were able to go and get a job. In comparison to the men, women were seen to be too emotional and not as intelligent to be in the work field. 

This time, however, I chose a more recent commercial illustrating one of the most common stereotypes of mothers: soccer moms. Soccer moms are notorious for driving mini vans, caring for the childrens' needs, watching them at practice and games, and occasionally showing their emotional side and fighting with other mothers over their children. Do you think this Cheetos commerical emphasizes these stereotypes?


  1. Great choice! I think that this commercial does illustrate these stereotypes. Unlike the older commercials which portray mothers as kind and loving women, this commercial shows a more modern version of a mother who is a little more devious than her predecessor. I think this commercial also playing into the cattiness of women and the stereotype that mothers like to brag about their children as if they are in some kind of competition.

  2. I also feel this commercial does illustrate the stereotype of a standard soccer mom. The one mom is constantly talking about how wonderful her kid is, which I have come to find is typical for parents of any sport. However I noticed that the other mom is slightly dependent on a man. Instead of taking control of the situation by herself, she looked to the the Cheetos character (whose voice is a man's voice) and decided what to do from there.

  3. I think that is does illustrate the soccer mom stereotype. But you also see a mother who is wearing typical buisness atire which shows the that the standards for mothers seem to be changing. Although she just showed up, she immediatley starts bragging about her child and trying to out do the other mother.
