Friday, October 5, 2012

Once Upon a Time.....

One of my favorite shows is Once Upon a Time. This show centers around a town called Story Brook. The people that live in the town are fictional fairy tale characters, such as Snow White, Prince Charming, Little Red Riding Hood, etc. On the other hand, there are also residents who are evil, such as the town's mayor, Regina Mills aka the Evil Queen from the fairy tale of Snow White. Time has been frozen for years, however, until Emma Swan (daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming), shows up in Story Brook. Confused? You probably are. This show may seem a little childish from my horrible description, but I promise you it's such a creative and interesting TV series. 

Last Sunday was the season premier of Once Upon a Time (ABC 8:00pm). In this episode, the curse has finally be broken in Story Brook and everyone is finally realizing who they really are. We are introduced to Sleeping Beauty (Princess Aurora), her Prince Phillip, and Mulan. Mulan is portrayed as a man, until she takes off her armor. Princess Aurora's reaction was complete amazament. She questioned Mulan asking her how it was possible that she was a female and yet fought in battle. Also, once Princess Aurora is asked to help defeat the evil Maleficent, she emphasizes how she is a woman and women do not fight. 

Even fairy tale characters have such sexist stereotypes! Tell me what you think and don't forget to watch the next episode, Sunday 8:00pm on ABC!

1 comment:

  1. hey hail! i complretely agree with you that even disney shos have so much sexism. i love this show and i never looked for this, so i never realized it. but, now that you point it out there are so many issues with gender sterio types
